Sawbridgeworth People

Kenneth Cook’s Sawbridgeworth diary.


If you are a Sawbridgeworth resident of riper vintage you may remember reading Kenneth Cook’s articles in the Herts and Essex Observer.   From 1990 until at least 1998, every two weeks, our local paper published Kenneth’s diary. Nostalgia is of course nothing new and the sheer number, breadth of subject material and loving detail made these articles very popular indeed.

Many locals held on Kenneth Cook’s diraries and amongst these are some that are now members of our society. In fact there are few subjects we want to research which Kenneth Cook did not at some point write about. For that very reason we have set ourselves the task of acquiring a comlete set of Sawbridgeworth Diary articles. As Mr. Cook wrote over some 10 years, there are in theory some 250 articles.

So, do you perhaps still have a box full of old Kenneth Cook articles up in your loft? If you do, go to our contact page and leave us a message. We will be in touch.

After we will have completed our collection, all articles will be scanned in and a team of readers will go over them with a fine toothcomb to decide which snippets will be used in our research. Naturally we will then give due credit to Kenneth Cook and his work.

The above picture comes from a memorial booklet publisherd in 2005 by the Observer.



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