
Our Articles are collated in the following categories:



Liz Waugh’s Story of the High Wych Allotment Site. She has also written a book on the history of the Sawbridgeworth and High Wych allotments, which you can find here.


Articles about Gt St Mary’s and the Evangelical and Congregational churches. See also the article about the Sawbridgeworth Cinema, now the Catholic Church.

Hyde Hall/ Joycelyn Family 

Douglas Coe’s set of articles on the occupants of Hyde Hall.

Parish Magazines and Town Guides

Articles on, and scans from, Parish magazines from the 1880s onwards, plus scans of town guides, the 1968 Carnival programme and the 197 Silver Jubilee booklet.

Pishiobury House and School 

Douglas Coe’s articles on Pishiobury House occupants and on its time as a ‘school for naughty boys’.

Pubs and Cafes 

Articles on the Cosy Café on London Road, pubs in High Wych and Allens Green and on Thomas Mann the brewer.

Sawbridgeworth People 

A range of articles on people who have been important for our town, from Asgar the Staller, first Lord of Sawbridgeworth,  to more recent residents who have made a significant contribution, including historians John Wright, John Sapsford and Wally Wright.

Sawbridgeworth Events and Places

A group of articles which celebrate historical events and places in Sawbridgeworth, from the horse fair to the annual Wassail in Rivers orchard.

Town Twinning 

Two articles about the history of our French and German twin towns.

World Wars

World War 1

World War 2

A collection of articles about the impact of World Wars 1 and 2 on High Wych and Sawbridgeworth, including RAF Sawbridgeworth, the Lawrence Mosquito factory, prisoners of war, and the Cambridge Road bomb in 1940. Related publications are on our Books page here.


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