
We have researched and scanned in items from the Gt St Mary’s church magazines from the 1880s onwards and items from previous Town Guides.

Banner of Faith. The four-page supplement to this magazine can be considered as the first Sawbridgeworth Parish Magazine. It was published from 1881 onwards and was a monthly periodical of the devotional kind published by the Church Extension Association. Sawbridgeworth specific content was added from 1883 onwards.

Our society has scanned in nearly 300 pages from issues published between 1884 and 1893. The resulting files are listed in chronological order. The file names (with Banner of Faith abbreviated as BoF) should give some indication of subjects covered. A more extensive introductory article will eventually be published in our ‘Articles as PDF’ section of the website.

We remain interested in seeing other Banner of Faith issues i.e. those from 1883 and those between 1893 and 1911. If you have access to any of these, let us know.

The Parish Magazine issues we have from 1912 contain a 20-page supplement entitled ‘The Dawn of Day’, published by SPCK, the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, designed for Sunday school and parish use.

By 1935 the magazine had become the ‘S. Mary the Great Sawbridgeworth Parish Church Magazine’,  a more substantial magazine of some 24 pages typically, including several pages of adverts for local shops and businesses, church notes and parish notes, plus a section called ‘The New Day’, featuring articles and stories with religious themes. You will find two overview articles on the issues covering 1935-8 in our ‘Parsih Magazine and Town Guides‘ section here.

We are missing some issues from 1921-23; 1924 January to April; 1939 to August 1960; and July 1980 to date (we have access to the latter). If you have any of these please let us know.

The original bound volumes of the parish magazine in its various forms from 1884-93, 1912-19, and 1924-38 are kept at Sawbridgeworth library.

Other items available via the search function: a 1907 speech by E. B. Barnard MP on ‘The Future of Local Government’, the 1968 Carnival programme and the 1977 Silver Jubilee booklet.

Whether you are a member of our society or not, please do credit us if you use our material.

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