Sawbridgeworth Local History Society
(This amended draft was discussed at our AGM on 30th March 2017 and will probably be accepted at our next AGM in March 2018)
- Name The name of the organisation shall be the ‘Sawbridgeworth Local History Society’
- Aims
To research, collect, record and preserve the history of Sawbridgeworth and its surrounding area and share it through public meetings, and in printed and/or electronic formats.
To endeavour to provide and promote equal opportunities for all members regardless of their background or family circumstances.
- Purposes
To hold meetings and form research groups to work on agreed aspects of Sawbridgeworth’s (and the surrounding area’s) history, consisting of Society members and other members of the public, as appropriate.
To develop and maintain a website with electronic copies of members’ ongoing research and finished articles.
To preserve, transcribe and publish original source materials, documents and photographs in multi-media formats.
To publish articles on local history in suitable printed publications and electronically.
To pursue collaborative actions with similar local and family history organisations, with Sawbridgeworth Town Council and with established bodies such as museums, churches, libraries, record offices, and educational institutions.
To promote further activities as the Society sees fit.
To seek funding from appropriate sources to help The Society to carry out agreed activities to preserve and celebrate the history of Sawbridgeworth and its surrounding area.
- Management of Sawbridgeworth Local History Society affairs
Members will discuss and update progress on the agreed activities of the Society at the monthly meetings. Decisions will be made by those present and voting by a simple majority. The Chairperson shall have a casting vote if necessary.
Officers The Society’s Officers shall be appointed by a simple majority at an AGM and shall include a Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer, and other such officers as may be approved by a majority of members and as required to achieve the objectives of the Society. Officers may initially be appointed in an acting capacity until a formal AGM has been held to confirm them or appoint new officers, as appropriate, and as agreed by a majority of Society members.
Committee The Officers and a minimum of two additional members shall form a committee which will meet as required to oversee the Society’s work programme and make proposals to members at the monthly meetings.
Terms of office for all Officers and Committee members shall be one year and members may stand for re-election at the AGM following their appointment. The Chairperson may continue in office, provided he/she is re-elected, for a maximum of three years.
- Number of meetings
The Society aims to meet from 1000-1130 on the fourth Thursday of each month in the Town Council Chamber, apart from December, or as otherwise agreed.
The AGM must be held within three months of the end of the financial year (31 December). Notification will be 28 days and be given to members by the most appropriate means.
Extraordinary meetings will require 28 days’ notice, which will be communicated to the membership by the most appropriate means. They may be requested in writing to the Chairperson by any six paid-up members.
- Finance: Membership and Subscriptions The initial membership fee shall be £10. Membership fees and guest charges will be reviewed and decided at the Annual General Meeting. Subscriptions will include individual or joint membership. The amount of each type membership shall be recommended by the Committee and agreed at the Annual General Meeting for the following year. Annual subscriptions will be renewable from the date of the Annual General Meeting.
Guests are welcome to attend Sawbridgeworth Local History Society meetings and open events on payment of an appropriate charge.
The Society will seek to fund its activities by applying for grants from appropriate sources. The Treasurer shall be responsible for all monies received and spent by the Society and shall account for the same at the AGM. The Treasurer shall maintain a bank account for this purpose and also hold an amount for petty cash, this not to exceed £100. There will be three signatories for the Society’s bank account, any two to sign cheques.
- Constitution
Amendments to this Constitution may only made at AGMs, or at an Extraordinary meeting with a minimum of 25 per cent of paid-up members present and by a majority vote in favour.
This Constitution is effective from 27 October 2016 and shall be reviewed at each AGM.
- Ownership issues
Any resources or materials obtained and/or published by the Society will remain the property of the Sawbridgeworth Local History Society. The website domain name is also the property of Sawbridgeworth Local History Society.
- Dissolution a) The Society shall be wound up only by a resolution of an Extraordinary General Meeting called for the purpose and on the approval given by not less than two-thirds of those present and entitled to vote as paid-up members; b) Any assets remaining after the meeting once liabilities have been met shall be disposed of in such a manner as the meeting shall decide.